Kumauglish ,kumauni(simply pahari) +English……. It seems to strange.
Kumauni language doesn’t have it’s own form. Under the English ruling, kumauni language was affected by their language. Therefore till today kumauni language is a mix-up of English and pahari.
Kumauni language doesn’t have it’s own form. Under the English ruling, kumauni language was affected by their language. Therefore till today kumauni language is a mix-up of English and pahari.
There are some fact about that language and some words of that language.
- This is a reagional language.
- Most popular in kumaun,Because if ur using english word with ur language peoples thinks that ur a person from urben area.
The best example is that, In Kumaun no one know what is the main post of medical dept.(simply in hindi "mukhay chikitsa adhikari').But they know this post in english.
i.e. C.M.O.